听了 THE GONLAN SONG (Devin Morrison Remix),吃东西的时候看了 Speeed 的 How to dress better without trying harder,不得不说 James 从 Donut 出来后做的东西越来越广泛了,讲车,讲相机,现在还在讲穿衣搭配,十分杂食,有种当代 Whole Earth Catalog 的调调。最喜欢的是他最后那段话:
I think this whole video and a lot of the things on this channel, are to encourage you guys to try. Drive a cool car, get your head right, take care of your body, wash your face, get a haircut, trim your beard, go to the dentist, put on a nice outfit. The world is absolutely wild these days it's easy to get overwhelmed and to feel helpless. That's how I feel, sometimes, but I do believe, that doing everything that we can do to make us feel good about ourselves is the first line of the defense.
完全不相干的另外一件事:从 APR 的网站上下单了他们的 ultralink,但还不确定到底要不要刷 ECU,毕竟 warranty 还没过。但就想刷 ECU,真要刷又顾虑这件事情,可以说非常有早期中年危机的味道了。除此之外,最近下单的奇奇怪怪的东西还有:FKJ 的 Ylang Ylang 八音盒,下单快三个星期了还没发货;Canon 的 Demi-EE28,还是日本 Yahoo 拍卖上的老相机。