Renewals of complete faith

前几天又看了一遍了不起的盖茨比电影版 才发现一个我一直以来没有注意的情节
Gatsby 在之前和Nick 讲述他的身世之时 说自己世世代代去牛津上学 然后战争爆发 才去参军
但在后来Tom 和Gatsby 在Plaza Hotel里面一番争论 这时候Gatsby 变了说辞 说他去牛津是战争后提供给军官的学习机会 -- 意思是是先参加了战争才去了牛津 所以让Tom 更加怀疑也不足为奇
而我之前 不论读原著 还是看电影 到这里都没有感到任何异常 不是健忘 忘掉了之前盖茨比对尼克的自述 而是感觉逻辑并不违和 -- 就如同Nick 在当时对Gatsby 的感受一样:

Tom glanced around to see if we mirrored his unbelief.
But we were all looking at Gatsby.

‘It was an opportunity they gave to some of the officers
after the Armistice,’ he continued. ‘We could go to any of the universities in England or France.’

I wanted to get up and slap him on the back. I had one of those renewals of complete faith in him that I’d experienced before.

I had one of those renewals of complete faith in him that I’d experienced before.